Should I skip the seltzer?
Super popular, seltzer or sparkling water comes in a variety of flavors and is preferred as a healthier option to soda,0 but a more fun alternative to flat water. With so many fans, one has to wonder, are all those bubbles and fizz good for your teeth? As you may know, carbonated drinks of any kind are more acidic, which can wreak havoc on your tooth enamel.
Given that fun fact, should you skip the seltzer?
To Sip or Not to Sip?
Surprise! Much to our relief, it turns out that seltzer or sparkling water really doesn’t have much effect on your enamel. Research from the American Dental Association shows that, all in all, your teeth react to sparkling water the same way as regular water. So, sip away!
Just keep the following in mind to ensure you keep your teeth protected while enjoying your preferred beverage…
Opt for Water Whenever Possible
Regular, fluoridated water, that is — fluoride is one of nature’s cavity fighters. Water keeps your teeth and oral tissues rinsed clean of food and bacteria; take regular swigs throughout the day and upon waking. Provided your primary source of hydration is tap or bottled water, you are fine to sip seltzers or sparkling water here and there. As long as you…
Think Smart About Sugar
In other words, don’t trust a brand without checking the ingredients label first. If your sparkling water or seltzer contains any amounts of sugar, it’s no longer water and instead should be considered a sugary drink that is best avoided. Any beverages sweetened with sugar can put you at greater risk for developing cavities; consume with caution.
Steer Clear of Citrus
Sure, it’s refreshing; however, anything made from a citrus fruit will naturally present with greater acidity. Increased acid levels in drinks can correlate with weakened or damaged tooth enamel. It’s best to save any citrus-infused seltzer or sparkling water for meals, rather than sip throughout the day. Be sure to brush right after on behalf of your enamel!
Whether still or sparkling, make sure you keep up with routine teeth cleanings for your happiest, healthiest smile. Call our office today to get your next appointment on the calendar!